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How Will The Metaverse Transform Education, Teaching, And Learning?

From fine arts to foreign languages to ancient history, the metaverse is poised to create more engaging, meaningful experiences for students of all ages. [...]

Why Every Business Must Embrace Personalization And Micro-Moments

The successful brands of the future will be those that can identify customers’ needs in the moment, and respond to those needs with thoughtful, personalized solutions.[...]

Future Proof Your Business With AI In Products And Services

There’s really no escaping artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). It seems pretty much anything can be made smart these days – and that goes for services as well as products.[...]

How Will the Metaverse Transform Healthcare?

The metaverse has the potential to lead to breakthrough technologies for healthcare. Find out how immersive innovations can help patients and doctors improve health outcomes.[...]

Why Every Brand Should Be Going Direct-To-Consumer (DTC)

The direct-to-consumer (DTC) trend, also known as disintermediation, essentially means bypassing traditional intermediaries in the supply chain.[...]

The Five Biggest Marketing Tech Trends In 2022

In 2022, the ongoing global pandemic has continued to accelerate the uptake of digital and cloud technology in every business function, with marketing certainly being no exception.[...]

Why Every Business Needs A Digital-First Strategy

Channel digitization is nothing new. Most companies have already embraced digital routes to market, such as websites and social media.[...]

The 7 Biggest Future Trends In Healthcare

Around the world, our healthcare systems are under enormous pressure, exacerbated by COVID-19, a growing global population, longer lifespans, and[...]

7 Important Problems & Disadvantages Of The Metaverse

Everyone is raving about all the potential benefits of the metaverse – but there is a darker side, too. Here are seven potential downsides to the metaverse.[...]

The Effects Of The Metaverse On Society

The investment bank Jeffries recently said that the metaverse will be the biggest disruption to how we live that the world has ever seen[...]

Artificial Intelligence | Bernard Marr

The Dangers Of Not Aligning Artificial Intelligence With Human Values

In artificial intelligence (AI), the “alignment problem” refers to the challenges caused by the fact that machines simply do not have the same values as us.[...]

Metaverse Continuum: 4 Technology Trends Everyone Must Get Ready For Now

An overview that lays out how they believe businesses and individuals will interact across interconnected digital environments and services in the near future.[...]

Why External Data Is So Important For Every Business

Internal data is often the first place that companies look when they start to think about analytics and insights.[...]

Looking For Love In The Metaverse: Dating In the Age Of AI and VR

A recent survey shows people would be willing to shell out big bucks for AI-based dating apps that could connect them with their perfect partner.[...]

How To Make Money From Data: The Essential Data Monetization Tips

Data has become the main raw material of the 4th Industrial Revolution, and making money from data has become a huge business opportunity.[...]

What Are the Qualities of an Authentic Leader?

Customers are seeking meaningful connections with brands, and employees want real relationships with their leaders.[...]

The 10 Biggest Technology Trends That Will Transform The Next Decade

A decade is a long time in technology. Given how prevalent they are now, it's easy to forget that ten years ago, few of us had heard of cloud computing, deep learning, or the internet of things (IoT).[...]

The 4 Biggest Future Trends In The Financial Sector

And our relationship with money – how we use it, who we trust to look after it, and how we as financial customers expect to be treated[...]

Is Space The Next Frontier For Agriculture And Biology?

Space exploration is very much in vogue again in recent years thanks to the exploits of billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson.[...]

How To Buy Land & Real Estate In The Metaverse

We are quickly heading towards the age of the metaverse – connected, persistent virtual realities where we will live digital lives alongside our real lives.[...]

Best Examples of Brands Creating Immersive Customer Experiences

In the experience economy, customers prioritize experience over the ownership of things. Learn how today's companies are creating engaging and immersive experiences to add more value and build brand loyalty.[...]

What the Digital Dollar Might Mean for the U.S.

The U.S. government released a report saying that the Federal Reserve is considering the benefits and disadvantages of creating a government-issued currency.[...]

The Top VR and AR Fitness Apps

Skip the gym…exercise in the metaverse! With the help of a myriad of AR and VR fitness apps, immersive workouts from home (or anywhere!) are absolutely possible.[...]

How Close Are We To The Metaverse?

Conversations about the metaverse are everywhere these days. But how far away is a true metaverse experience?[...]

A Short History Of The Metaverse

Today we describe the metaverse as a fully immersive internet, where we will be able to access augmented and virtual reality and interact with all sorts of environments using persistent avatars and innovative digital technology.[...]

The Biggest Cyber Security Risks In 2022

Both the global pandemic and, more recently, the war between Russia and Ukraine have brought the threat of cyber-attacks on individuals, businesses, and nations into sharp focus.[...]

How To Use Real-Time Data? Key Examples And Use Cases

Which is more important – understanding what happened to your business last week or understanding what's happening right now?[...]

The Bathroom Of The Future: What Will It Look Like?

You’ve got a smart thermostat and an intelligent security system…but did you know your bathroom can be decked out with the latest technical innovations, too?[...]

How Nike Is Using Data to Sell Directly to Customers

Nike is successfully transforming from a traditional consumer goods business into a digital direct-to-consumer company.[...]

The 5 Biggest Event And Exhibition Trends In 2022 | Bernard Marr

The 5 Biggest Event And Exhibition Trends In 2022

It’s harder to think of an industry that serves as a better demonstration of the transformation society has undergone over the last two years than events and exhibitions[...]

Is It Too Early To Get Excited About Web3 | Bernard Marr

Is It Too Early To Get Excited About Web3?

Web3 is an idea that is generating a lot of excitement at the moment in business technology communities.[...]

The 6 Best Examples Of Purposeful Businesses

Why does your business exist? Do you have a meaningful purpose that people can connect to? Find out why having a purposeful business is important.[...]

Why Are Some NFTs Worth Millions – And Is The Bubble About To Burst?

A year or so back, not many people had heard of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) – they certainly weren’t being regularly traded for six-figure sums.[...]

The Future Promise Of Hydrogen Power

In their report, The Future of Hydrogen: Seizing Today’s Opportunities, the International Energy Agency reported[...]

The 5 Biggest Tech Trends In Policing And Law Enforcement | Bernard Marr

The 5 Biggest Tech Trends In Policing And Law Enforcement

The future of crime fighting is being defined by much of the same technology that is revolutionizing business and[...]

The 10 Best Platform Business Model Examples | Bernard Marr

The 10 Best Platform Business Model Examples

Online platforms where customers can safely and easily connect with each other and with providers have seen[...]

How AI Can Help Identify and Treat Cancer | Bernard Marr

How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Identify and Treat Cancer

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into pathology and oncology is now helping doctors detect, manage[...]

Poker Players Go “All In” on Artificial Intelligence

Some of the world’s greatest poker players have a secret weapon up their sleeve these days: It’s artificial intelligence.[...]

What’s Next after Cloud Computing?

Over the past decade or so, the cloud has become the dominant paradigm in the delivery of IT infrastructure in both B2B and B2C use cases.[...]

The 10 Best Direct-to-Consumer Business Model Examples

Do you remember the waves Warby Parker created in the eyewear marketplace in 2010, when they started selling glasses directly to consumers online?[...]

Weddings In The Metaverse: Would You Get Married In VR And AR?

Covid-19 has made getting together for social occasions difficult for many of us in recent years. But there’s one place where you’re guaranteed to be completely safe.[...]

The 5 Biggest Computer Vision Trends In 2022

Computer vision (sometimes called machine vision) is one of the most exciting applications of artificial intelligence.[...]

Why Is It Now Time For Machines To Replace Certain Jobs

The world of careers and work is changing rapidly. The idea that we spend the first 20 years of life training for a job that we will do until we retire is far behind us.[...]

The 5 Biggest Media And Entertainment Technology Trends In 2022

The media and entertainment industry is driven by technology. This includes everything from cutting-edge special effects developed for movies (and then adopted across other industries).[...]

The Five Biggest New Energy Trends In 2022

Today, nearly everyone accepts that in order to slow the damage we are doing to our planet and environment, humans must transition away from the use of fossil fuels.[...]

9 Examples Of Brands That Get Digital Transformation Right | Bernard Marr

9 Examples Of Brands That Get Digital Transformation Right

It’s often said that in order to succeed in today’s business environment, every company has to become a technology company. This is because how well a company is able to adapt to the increasingly[...]

YouTube Announces NFTs Monetization Tools for Creators | Bernard Marr

YouTube Announces NFTs Monetization Tools for Creators

YouTube recently announced that the platform's newest tools would allow creators to sell content as NFTs (non-fungible tokens). Find out more about how NFTs fit in with YouTube's 2022 plans[...]

The Best Examples Of Subscription Business Models

We’re now in the midst of the “As a Service” revolution, and subscription business models present an enormous opportunity for businesses. Take a look at some of the top subscription business models.[...]

What is AI as a Service?

Cloud computing has changed the way we use computers in some truly revolutionary ways. Perhaps most significantly it has given rise to the “as-a-service” economy[...]

Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Teachers?

While AI is becoming a valuable tool for educational professionals, there are many ways computers just can’t replace the human touch in the classroom.[...]

The Five Biggest Gaming Technology Trends In 2022

When it comes to many of the tech trends impacting our lives, the $90 billion global video games industry is often one of the first places many people get to see them in action.[...]

Synthetic Video And The Future Of Deep Fakes For Business

As bandwidths have increased and attention spans shortened, video has become the format of choice for sharing and absorbing information.[...]

The Amazing Possibilities Of Healthcare In The Metaverse

The metaverse is a hot topic at the moment, and much has been written and spoken about its potential to revolutionize gaming, entertainment, socializing, work and commerce.[...]

The Important Difference Between Web3 And The Metaverse

Two terms that are generating a lot of hype and excitement in the world of business technology right now are Web3 and metaverse.[...]

The 5 Biggest Media And Entertainment Technology Trends In 2022

The media and entertainment industry is driven by technology. Here we look at the five biggest trends that will reshape the industry In 2022.[...]

The Top 10 Tech Trends In 2022 Everyone Must Be Ready For Now

There are so many innovations and breakthroughs happening right now, and I can't wait to see how they help to transform business and society in 2022.[...]

The Five Biggest Education And Training Technology Trends In 2022

Every stage of education, from primary to higher education as well as professional and workplace training, has undergone a shift towards online and cloud-based delivery platforms.[...]

How The Coachella Music Festival Is Using NFTs And Blockchain

2022 will see the return of the Coachella Music and Arts Festival, following the cancellation of the last two events due to the coronavirus pandemic.[...]

Futuristic Technology At The Olympics: AI, IoT, And Robots

The Olympics are all about emotion – the drama of world-class competition, the pageantry of medal ceremonies, and the moment-to-moment celebrations of the human spirit in action.[...]

What Is Social Media 2.0? Simple Explanation And Examples

Social media has been a part of most of our lives now for more than two decades. The first social sites like Classmates and Myspace were replaced by others like Facebook and Twitter.[...]

The 3 Biggest Future Trends (And Challenges) In The Energy Sector

When you think about it, the term "fossil fuels" is particularly apt because our traditional ways of generating energy were designed for the world of the past.[...]

Why Solar Storms Could Be The Biggest Risks To Technology

As we continue to fight the effects of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, businesses increasingly rely on digital solutions and communications networks.[...]

The 5 Technologies That Will Change The Future Of The Human Race

In my book, Tech Trends in Practice, I talk about a lot of technology trends that are already moving out of the R&D departments and into everyday life[...]

What Is The Future Of Air Travel?

What will air travel look like in 2035 and beyond? Learn more about the latest trends in the aviation industry and how your flying experience will change over the next few decades.[...]

How To Understand Your Customers And Their Needs With The Right Data

Today, data is undoubtedly a leading driver of business success. How well a company is able to leverage insights from the ever-increasing wealth and complexity of available data.[...]

How Any Business Must Use Data To Create Smarter Services For Their Customers

From GPS apps that tell us the nearest place we can buy a pizza to genomic programs sequencing DNA in order to create new medicines and cure disease.[...]

The Biggest Future NFTs Trends Everyone Needs To Know About

In 2021, they took the art world by storm, with pieces like The Merge and Beeple’s The First 5000 Days selling for tens of millions of dollars.[...]

The Biggest Future Trends In Agriculture And Food Production

To feed the growing global population, estimates suggest we’ll have to increase food production by as much as 68 percent by 2050.[...]

The Five Biggest Tech Trends Transforming Government In 2022

Governments and public authorities are no more immune to disruption from the advance of technology than any other part of society.[...]

The 5 Biggest Fitness And Wellness Technology Trends In 2022

This time of year, many of us are thinking about starting out on a positive note when it comes to health, fitness, and wellbeing.[...]

The 10 Biggest Future Trends In Manufacturing

From cars to computers, coffee machines to children’s toys, almost everything we use on an everyday basis is produced by manufacturers.[...]

3 Critical Questions to Ask During Your Next Performance Review

Learn how to turn your performance reviews into productive, two-way conversations with these three critical questions.[...]

7 Ways to Improve Your Performance Management Maturity

What are the best ways to improve your company's performance management? Here are seven practical suggestions for achieving a higher level of BPM maturity.[...]

What Is Web3 All About? An Easy Explanation With Examples

First, there was web1 – aka the internet we all know and love. Then there was web2 – the user-generated web, heralded by the arrival of social media.[...]

The 2 Biggest Future Trends In Education

Our world is changing fast. The pace of change, particularly when it comes to new technologies, means the half-life of skills is shrinking fast.[...]

The 3 Biggest Future Trends In Transportation And Mobility

The transportation sector is a perfect example of an industry grappling with rapid changes in technology and customer expectations.[...]

How Luxury Brands Are Making Money In The Metaverse

Gamers already have a long history of using clothes and accessories to establish their virtual identities, and there’s every indication that metaverse users will do the same.[...]

What Is A Data Lakehouse A Super-Simple Explanation For Anyone | Bernard Marr

What Is A Data Lakehouse? A Super-Simple Explanation For Anyone

First, there was a data warehouse – an information storage architecture that allowed structured data to be archived for specific business intelligence purposes and reporting. The concept of[...]

3 Ways That Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Change Your Job Forever

Artificial Intelligence – smart machines able to “learn” how to carry out tasks and become increasingly good at them – is everywhere in work today, and will only be more ubiquitous tomorrow.[...]

The 5 Biggest Financial Services Tech Trends In 2022

Many of them have seen traditional models of working and business disrupted by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the fast-changing technology landscape, and a new breed of agile, tech-driven startups.[...]

Are Hydrogen-Powered, Autonomous Flying Taxis The Future?

Of all the topics I have written about recently, autonomous flying taxis seem like the most far-fetched – or should I say pie-in-the-sky![...]

The Five Biggest Retail Tech Trends In 2022

Online, retailers are busier than ever and challenged by the need to fill orders and refresh inventory at an increasingly rapid pace, as well as reduce revenue and wastage caused by returns.[...]

Deepfakes – The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Over the holidays, millions of us saw The Beatles miraculously restored to living color in the Disney+ documentary Get Back.[...]

The Five Biggest Healthcare Tech Trends In 2022 | Bernard Marr

The Five Biggest Healthcare Tech Trends In 2022

Wherever we look in the healthcare industry, we can find new technology being used to fight illness, develop new vaccines and medicines, and help people to live healthier lives[...]

The 5 Biggest Virtual Augmented And Mixed Reality Trends In 2022 | Bernard Marr

The 5 Biggest Virtual, Augmented And Mixed Reality Trends In 2022

Extended reality (XR) is a catch-all term that covers virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). In the very simplest terms, VR[...]

The 10 Tech Trends That Will Transform Our World | Bernard Marr

The 10 Tech Trends That Will Transform Our World

What makes the fourth industrial revolution so different from previous industrial revolutions is the convergence and interaction between multiple technology trends at once. In thi[...]

The 7 Levels Of Performance Management Maturity

What's the difference between companies that measure and manage performance well, and those that don't? Find out with this 7-level model of performance management maturity.[...]

The 5 Biggest Connected And Autonomous Vehicle Trends In 2022

Autonomous driving promises a future where road traffic accidents and speeding tickets are no longer a feature of life.[...]

The Five Biggest Cyber Security Trends In 2022

The changed world we’ve found ourselves living in since the global pandemic struck in 2020 has been particularly helpful to cybercriminals.[...]

The Exciting Technology Highlights Of CES 2022

CES 2022 will be an opportunity for technology fans and industry insiders to get a first glimpse of the latest innovations, gadgets and devices consumers will be lusting for over the next 12 months.[...]

The 5 Biggest Internet Of Things (IoT) Trends In 2022

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that describes the increasingly sophisticated ecosystems of online, connected devices we share our world with.[...]

The Five Biggest Space Technology Trends For 2022

The past decade has seen a resurgence of interest in space travel and the technological innovation driving it.[...]

The 5 Biggest Biotech Trends In 2022

Steve Jobs once said that the biggest innovations in the 21st century would be at the intersection of biology and technology.[...]

The 7 Biggest Consumer Technology Trends In 2022

Technology like artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT) is re-shaping industry and augmenting the abilities of professionals.[...]

Future of Robot Butlers

Are we moving towards a world portrayed in the TV show Humans (or, The Jetsons) where robotic assistants will enter our homes?[...]

The 10 Best Examples of NFTs

Confused about NFTs (non-fungible tokens), or just want to see how they work in the digital marketplace? Check out these 10 NFT examples.[...]

The Effects Of Virtual Reality (VR) On Society

Many experts believe that as virtual reality experiences become more affordable and accessible, VR will affect society in a wide range of ways. Let’s look at some examples of how VR might create major shifts in the way our society operates. [...]

Robot Manicure: Will Robots Replace Nail Salons?

Did you know you can have a robot paint your nails? Thanks to Clockwork, the world's first robot manicure company, you can get a fast, affordable, contact-free manicure delivered autonomously.[...]

How Any Business Can Build Data Skills

Anyone interested in how businesses can start making better use of the explosion of data that's available for capture, analysis, and insights, has probably heard about the data skills crisis.[...]

What Are the Challenges and Future Possibilities of Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality (VR) is already changing business and society. What are the future possibilities and challenges of virtual as we move into the next phase of its evolution.[...]

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Bernard Marr is a world-renowned futurist, influencer and thought leader in the fields of business and technology, with a passion for using technology for the good of humanity.

He is a best-selling author of over 20 books, writes a regular column for Forbes and advises and coaches many of the world’s best-known organisations.

He has a combined following of 4 million people across his social media channels and newsletters and was ranked by LinkedIn as one of the top 5 business influencers in the world.

Bernard’s latest book is ‘Generative AI in Practice’.

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