Recent articles by Bernard Marr:

Artificial Intelligence And Other Tech Innovations Are Transforming Dentistry

If you’re like the majority of humans on the planet, […]

Artificial Intelligence In Accounting And Finance

As artificial intelligence has done for every industry, it’s making […]

The 6 Biggest Data Strategy Mistakes Every Company Must Avoid

Every business is now a data business. Data is a […]

6 Vital KPIs And Metrics Every Startup Should be Measuring

Startups have many things to focus on, but they can’t […]

The Vital Role Of Big Data In The Fight Against Coronavirus

One of the advantages we have today in the fight […]

7 Amazing Everyday Examples Of Nanotechnology In Action

Nanotechnology essentially means controlling matter on a tiny scale, at […]

3 Advantages (And 1 Disadvantage) Of Edge Computing

By now, we’re all well used to cloud computing, and […]

What’s Been The Impact Of Covid-19 On The 4th Industrial Revolution?

Obviously, the coronavirus has had a devastating impact on our […]

What Is Edge Computing In 60 Seconds

Edge computing, when computing gets done closer to the source […]

KPI Case Studies + Videos & Slide Share

KPIs & Metrics Case Studies Tesco: Measuring Customer Performance & […]

10 Phrases Successful People Avoid (But Losers Use)

Winning and losing are about your frame of mind more […]

Big Data: R Explained in less than two minutes, to absolutely anyone

If you’re looking at ways you can harness the power […]

Bitcoin, Blockchain Splits And What It Means For Business

Blockchain was one of the technologies which I predicted back […]

The Amazing Ways AI Has Changed Black Friday And Cyber Monday Forever

Bagging discounts on Black Friday and Cyber Monday has become […]

How Do You Develop A Data Strategy? Here’re 6 Simple Steps That Will Help

Whether you’re a big data giant like Facebook or Google, […]

How To Measure Brand Awareness?

Brand awareness gives companies a better understanding of how well […]

Measuring Employee Performance with 360 Degree Feedback: How To Do It and What To Avoid

Does anyone really look forward to performance review season? In […]

OKRs vs KPIs: What is the Difference?

Have you noticed that OKRs (management speak for ‘objectives and […]

Balanced Scorecard Keeps The “Lifeblood Of Business” Pumping

The Daily Telegraph calls innovation “the lifeblood of business” – […]

Here Are 10 Industries Blockchain Is Likely To Disrupt

You’ve probably heard that blockchain technology is going to revolutionize… […]

Spark Or Hadoop — Which Is The Best Big Data Framework?

One question I get asked a lot by my clients […]

The Awesome Ways TUI Uses Blockchain To Revolutionize The Travel Industry

Blockchain is the latest innovation to take over vacation planning. […]

Are Alexa And Siri Considered AI?

Alexa and Siri, Amazon and Apple’s digital voice assistants, are […]

7 Amazing Examples Of Computer And Machine Vision In Practice

Even though early experiments in computer vision started in the […]

The Best Smart Gadgets For Your Home

The range of smart home gadgets available is constantly growing, […]

Facial Recognition Technology: Here Are The Important Pros And Cons

When you post a photo on Facebook, and the platform […]

How Does Data Science Machine Learning And Artificial Intelligence Overlap

When I work with companies and executive teams, I often […]

What Are The Pitfalls Of People Analytics And Data-Driven HR?

People-related data is arguably HR’s most important asset. But when […]

Why Empowering Employees To Make Decisions Is More Important Than Ever

I’ve often promoted the idea that data-driven decision-making shouldn’t be […]

What is NLP AI?

Recently, natural language processing (NLP) artificial intelligence has matured to […]

What is Augmented Reality (AR) In 60 Seconds

The growth of augmented reality (AR) applications in recent years […]

What Is DataOps? When Agile Meets Data Analytics

The amount of data enterprise businesses are producing is growing […]

The 10 biggest mistakes companies make with performance management

The ability to manage employee performance well is a critical […]

How Successful People Cope with Stress

Everyone experiences stress at work. And the fact is, some […]

Internet Of Things (IoT): 5 Essential Ways Every Company Should Use It

The Internet of Things (IoT) means everyday objects are now […]

It’s A Holly Jolly Artificial Intelligence Enabled Christmas

Did you know there’s a bit of artificial intelligence (AI) […]

What Is A KPI Dashboard – And How Do You Create The Best One For Your Business?

Organising your key performance indicators (KPIs), developing the right set […]

What is Blockchain?

The concept of blockchains technology is set to revolutionise not […]

30+ Real Examples Of Blockchain Technology In Practice

While Bitcoin and cryptocurrency may have been the first widely […]

Balanced Scorecard: An Overview

Here we provide a brief overview and introduction to the […]

Comparing Data Visualization Software: Here Are The 7 Best Tools

Synopsis: Being able to visualize and communicate the ever-increasing amount […]

Will Machine Learning AI Make Human Translators An Endangered Species?

Translating between human languages is something which artificial intelligence – […]

The AI Technology Stack: 4 Key Layers Of Technologies Used For Artificial Intelligence

After existing in the dreams of science fiction authors for […]

What Is The Relationship Between KPIs And Big Data?

The relationship between big data and KPIs may not be […]

The Future of Food: Amazing Lab Grown And 3D Printed Meat And Fish

When Professor Mark Post created the first lab-grown burger in […]

The 7 Most Dangerous Technology Trends Everyone Should Know About

As we enter new frontiers with the latest technology trends […]

The Top 5 Fintech Trends Everyone Should Be Watching

All indicators confirm that investment in fintech, new technology that […]

The 10 Best Free Online Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning Courses

The demand for people with knowledge and skills in artificial […]

The 10 Best Data Analytics And BI Platforms And Tools

As we start a new decade, the top trends for […]

7 Things Everyone Needs To Know About Gene Editing

Our understanding of the human genome has continued to increase […]

What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) In 60 seconds

Ten years ago, if you mentioned the term “artificial intelligence” […]

The Four Perspectives in a Balanced Scorecard

Developed by Robert Kaplan and David Norton, the Balanced Scorecard […]

The 4 KPIs Every Manager Has To Use

We seem to live in a world saturated with KPIs. […]

The Amazing Ways Companies Use Virtual Reality For Business Success

Virtual Reality hit the mainstream recently with the arrival of […]

Blockchain Implications Every Insurance Company Needs To Consider Now

The potential for blockchain technology to disrupt the insurance industry […]

7 Causes of Poor Employee Performance – And How to Address Them

It’s every manager’s least favorite part of the job: someone […]

How to Measure Absenteeism: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

There’s no doubt that employee absence costs companies in terms […]

Balanced Scorecard: Management Not Measurement

Balanced Scorecard: Management not Measurement The Balanced Scorecard is a […]

What Are Artificial Neural Networks – A Simple Explanation For Absolutely Anyone

There are many things computers can do better than humans—calculate […]

The Amazing Ways AI And Machine Learning Are Used In The Gaming Industry

Long before artificial intelligence was a glimmer in the eye […]

Augmented Reality In Retail – The Incredible Case Of Tenth Street Hats

Augmented reality (AR) – technology that overlays computer imagery over […]

7 Capabilities Central To Digital Transformation

A survey unveiled today by Deloitte has found that the […]

5 Amazing Examples Of Natural Language Processing (NLP) In Practice

One of the most challenging and revolutionary things artificial intelligence […]

How Can You Improve Data Literacy?

Most organisations around the world are grappling with data literacy […]

The 10+ Most Important Job Skills Every Company Will Be Looking For

As the world evolves to embrace the 4th industrial revolution, […]

15 Things Every Business Must Know About 5G

5G is here — but it’s also not here. And […]

Here’s How All Of Us Can Use Technology To Help Tackle Coronavirus

Many of us who aren’t healthcare workers or scientists may […]

The Biggest Robot Companies And Their Most Scary Inventions

Robots – some of us love them, some of us […]

The Cute, The Weird And The Lovely: 7 Of The Kookiest Robots Around

Today’s robots are more intelligent than ever, learning to respond […]

How Artificial Intelligence Can Power Climate Change Strategy

Slowing down climate change is an urgent matter. If we […]

The Six Biggest Blockchain Trends Everyone Should Know About In 2021

Blockchain has been one of the most talked-about tech trends […]

How Amazon Uses Artificial Intelligence: The Flywheel Approach

Let’s face it: Amazon’s got an edge. As an early […]

Why every company needs a plan-on-a-page

In order to be successful and deliver results, organisations need […]

10 Sentences Good Managers NEVER Say – EVER

If you’ve ever had a bad boss, you probably have […]

Big Data: What is Python – An Easy Explanation For Absolutely Anyone

Here is another post in which I try to disentangle […]

How Robots, IoT And Artificial Intelligence Are Transforming The Police

It’s happened. Arrests have been made thanks to the evidence […]

This Is Why Blockchains Will Transform Healthcare

The blockchain revolution has made its way to the healthcare […]

How Do You Set The Right Targets For Your Business? Here Are Some Top Tips

Every business needs to set targets for success, but how […]

Marketing KPIs: How To Measure Customer Engagement

Many of today’s most successful companies focus on engaging their […]

The 6 Best Hadoop Vendors For Your Big Data Project

Hadoop is the open source software framework at the heart […]

OKR vs MBO: What is the Difference?

MBO (which stands for “management by objectives”) has been a […]

Balanced Scorecard And The Small Business

More and more big companies are turning to the balanced […]

AI In China: How Buzzfeed Rival ByteDance Uses Machine Learning To Revolutionize The News

Back in 2012 when ByteDance was founded by a then 29-year-old Zhang […]

What Are Examples Of Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

By now most people recognise—even if they aren’t entirely comfortable […]

The Fascinating Ways PepsiCo Uses Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning To Deliver Success

One business who realized that using artificial intelligence (AI) and […]

Meet Hemingway: The Artificial Intelligence Robot That Can Copy Your Handwriting

The everyday tasks that humans often take for granted, such […]

The 6 Career-Defining Tech Trends In 2020 Everyone Must Prepare For Now

Our workplaces are changing thanks to new technologies that are […]


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Bernard Marr is a world-renowned futurist, influencer and thought leader in the fields of business and technology, with a passion for using technology for the good of humanity.

He is a best-selling author of over 20 books, writes a regular column for Forbes and advises and coaches many of the world’s best-known organisations.

He has a combined following of 4 million people across his social media channels and newsletters and was ranked by LinkedIn as one of the top 5 business influencers in the world.

Bernard’s latest book is ‘Generative AI in Practice’.

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